

572 Uppsatser om Steel eco-cycle - Sida 1 av 39

Livscykelanalys av en gängtapp - Underlag och verktyg för att inkludera livscykelperspektivet i utvecklingsarbetet vid Dormer Tools AB

The aim of my thesis was to do a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of an average thread tap that is manufactured by Dormer Tools AB, and to create a practical model that the company can use in order to study other thread taps from an environmental perspective.The method of LCA is used to investigate the environmental effects of a product during its life cycle. This is a gate-to-grave analysis with focus on steel and thread tap manufacturing, coating procedure, use, waste management and transports. Three common coating types were compared separately. Steel manufacturing answers for the highest energy and raw material consumption under the life cycle of the thread tap. Its emissions contribute to global warming, acidification and eutrophication above others.

Rostfria stålkonstruktioner och rostskyddsbehandling av stålkonstruktioner enligt Eurocode

Steel is an excellent material to build with, but consideration must be given to the fact that unprotected steel corrodes, rusts, therefore, as a rule, the steel must be protected in some way. This can be done by reducing the tendency of the steel to corrode by using stainless steel or by treating the steel with a protection method. The two most common methods of protection are corrosion protection paint and zinc coating. To determine the method, the corrosive category must first be evaluated and this is done in accordance to EN ISO 12944-2:1998.Stainless steel is available in many varieties but only some of them have properties that make them suitable for use as construction steels. There are many factors to be considered in the design of stainless steel to prevent corrosion from occurring.

Termomekanisk utmattning av Sanicro 25 : Materialmodellering med finita elementmetoden

The report aims to describe the austenitic stainless steel Sanicro 25 from a thermomechanical point of view. The thermal and mechanical properties of the material make it suitable for use in coal ? and thermal power plants. By the use of Sanicro 25 it would be possible to bring the efficiency of these plants up while bringing the carbon emissions down.A material model is created from material testing and validated through simulation in the finite element software Abaqus. The model that has been derived describes the material behavior during loading and stress relaxation for the first cycle in a thermomechanical fatigue test well.

Brandskydd av stålkonstruktioner : Lathund för brandskyddsdimensionering av stålprofiler

This bachelor thesis covers fire protection methods of structural steel and the aim is to develop an information tool designed for inexperienced structural engineers. The information tool covers basic fire protection methods and the general way to produce a fire resistance for structural steel. The layout of this information tool is a simple folder that contains information about the most important steps when producing fire protection for a steel structure.The thesis starts with a general overview of the fire protection needed in buildings to fulfill national legislative and regulatory requirements. To get an understanding of how steel components behave during the influence of fire, a brief overview is presented of the material properties of steel. This chapter also contains a review of previous research in the area.

Stålfiberarmerad betong för platta på mark : -En kostnads- och sprickbreddsanalys

AbstractToday there is an opportunity to reinforce concrete with steel fiber reinforcement. In some cases, completely replace the conventional reinforcement. Replacing conventional mesh reinforcement with steel fiber reinforcement in slabs on ground has shown economic benefits, less crack width and less reinforcement amount.Today there are no Swedish standard for designing steel fiber reinforced concrete, what is there is different international recommendations.In this work, design methods for steel fiber concrete are used according to RILEM and Bekaer Swedish AB's software DRAPRO. For other design methods Eurokod 2 is followed.In this work, the design of slabs on ground that are not exposed by large tension strength been designed. Design of crack-reinforcement and restrictions of crack width have been conducted in three different slabs on ground.The calculations have been performed using only conventional reinforcement and only steel fiber reinforcement, and the results are then compared.The results of the theoretical analysis are summarized in tables that compare the amount of reinforcement, crack width and economic cost.This work showed that the slabs on the ground reinforced with steel fibers provide less crack width with a minor amount of reinforcement.

Valsningsteknik för extremt höghållfasta tunna stål

New high strength steels require improved cold rolling techniques. The aim of this degree project was to develop a new and money saving cold rolling technique to manufacture steel strip for saw blades. The work is based on earlier rolling experiments made with a high carbon steel grade at LuCoil Steel AB. The work also focused on the mill requirements to cold roll high strength steels. The results show that LuCoil?s existing cold rolling mill was actually designed for rolling low carbon steel.

Optimering av maskinprocess

Since 2007, I´ve been working in the steel industry in a place called ?SSAB?. That?s why itseemed right to contact them for this thesis.The SSAB concern is global, but SSAB Sweden involves raw steel producing in Luleå, heavyplate producing in Oxelösund, and sheet metal producing in Borlänge..

Metod för val av sunda yt-material

Since 2007, I´ve been working in the steel industry in a place called ?SSAB?. That?s why itseemed right to contact them for this thesis.The SSAB concern is global, but SSAB Sweden involves raw steel producing in Luleå, heavyplate producing in Oxelösund, and sheet metal producing in Borlänge..

Produktionsskillnader och virkesskador med olika typer av matarvalsar :

Earlier investigations showed that damages on timber from feeding rolls could be within the lower classes of damage according to VMRs classes. Knowledge about differences in productivity between kind types and aggressive types of feeding rolls is necessary because it should influence the question about damages on timber caused by different feeding rolls. In this study the production and timber damage in a harvesting head were evaluated at three levels of pressure (8, 10 and 14 MPa) on the feeding rolls, and with three different types of rolls. One type, the rubber cushioned steel plate roller had 10 mm studs and rubber damping, one ?middle? type made of solid steel with 14 mm studs, and one aggressive type, also made of solid steel with 18 mm studs.

Att förmedla budskap med Steel - Hur SSABs anställda uppfattar personaltidningen

Titel:Att förmedla budskap med Steel - Hur SSABs anställda uppfattar personaltidningenFörfattare:Tobias Anderberg och Daniel KarlssonUppdragsgivare:Svenskt stål AB (SSAB)Kurs:Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Göteborgsuniversitet, Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikationTermin:Vårterminen 2011Handledare:Jonas OhlssonSidantal:45 sidor, 11 616 ordSyfte:Att ta reda på om företagets personaltidning förmedlar mål, vision ochvärderingar så att de anställda identifierar demMetod:Kvantitativ webbenkätMaterial:Webbenkät med 293 svarande av totalt 712 anställdaHuvudresultat:Resultatet visar att budskapen om mål, vision och värderingar i Steel kan identifieras av läsarna. Steel upprätthåller denna kunskap. Det är inte någon stor skillnad på vad de anställda tycker om tidningen sett till vilket affärsområde de arbetar i. Det som de allra flest förväntar sig och får är kunskap om SSAB. De flesta anställda förväntar sig dock mer än vad deanser sig få ut av tidningen.

Låsning till spolkarslock

Since 2007, I´ve been working in the steel industry in a place called ?SSAB?. That?s why itseemed right to contact them for this thesis.The SSAB concern is global, but SSAB Sweden involves raw steel producing in Luleå, heavyplate producing in Oxelösund, and sheet metal producing in Borlänge..

En vidareutveckling av förvaltningsmodellen vid systemförvaltningsprocessen

Detta arbete behandlar problemområdet systemförvaltning och är en vidareutveckling av förvaltningsmodellen vid systemförvaltningsprocessen. Vid systemförvaltningsarbetet finns det olika förvaltningsmodeller som kan vara ett stöd vid taktisk och operativ styrning samt administrativ kontroll.Systemförvaltningsmodellen består generellt av sju olika rekommenderade delmodeller där bland annat systemförvaltningsprocessen ingår. Modeller för systemförvaltningsprocessen bör förenkla, effektivisera och ge stöd när systemförfrågningar samt systemkrav inkommer från verksamhetsledningen eller systemanvändaren. Undersökningen i detta examensarbete fokuserar på en vidareutveckling av modellen Application Maintenace Cycle (AM/Cycle) som utvecklats av Peder Brandt.Vidareutvecklingen i detta arbete resulterar i en modell för systemförvaltningsprocessen, vilken benämns Application Maintenace Schedule Cycle (AMS/Cycle). Litteraturstudier och intervjuer har påvisat vissa svagheter med modellen AM/Cycle, vilket tagits i beaktande vid vidareutvecklingen av AMS/Cycle.

Val av stommaterial : Vilket är det mest fördelaktiga stommaterialet vid uppförande av en hallbyggnad?

When constructing an industrial- or hall building, the most common framework materials thatis used are wood, steel or concrete. Due to an assignment from Byggnadstekniska Byrån ABhas a document been created that makes it possible to investigate how the final costs is af-fected by gapes in between elements and which used foundation. And this with steel as thematerial. The purpose with this essay is to investigate which is the most well fitted materialwhen constructing an industrial- or hall building wood, steel or concrete. Information aboutthe different materials has been collected by litterateurs and by different internet pages.

Process optimization in the steel plant

Blast furnace is the heart of every steel plant. Steel production is based on the blast furnace process, as it is where the iron is extracted from the iron ore and turned into liquid iron, which will subsequently be used to make liquid steel. Therefore, without hot iron, steel can not be produced. Blast furnaces in this process are supplied among others with pulverized coal. Raw coal should be prepared for the blast furnaces in the form of fine coal powder.

The role of cell cycle control mechanisms in regulated and sustained cell proliferation

The cell cycle is the time a cell spends between two cell divisions. The cell cycle includes several parallel processes, all of which must be completed before a cell is mature for dividing. In the first place, all subcomponents (RNA, protein and membrane lipids) need to double in quantity and this occurs continuously through the cell cycle. Furthermore, the genome and some chromosomal proteins must double and this take place during a limited interval in the middle of the cell cycle (S-phase). On either side of the S-phase are two "gaps" which is called G1 and G2. When the cell has passed a point in the G-phase they are irreversibly programmed to progress through the remaining of the cell cycle and will undergo the next cell division. When a cell have passed a point in the G1 phase, approximately four hours after mitosis, a normal cell is in a state of indecision.

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